Sunday, February 26, 2012

Growth Issue to Copy Shop

Our fifth issue is on the way to the Copy Place! That means that copies will be mailed out by the end of this week!
Personally, I like the way the issue turned out. We had some great submissions. I tried to stuff as much as I could in there but ran out of room really quickly.
Thanks also for everyone who's been sending us ideas for future issues. I'm hoping to use some more of your suggestions!

Be watching for the new issue soon!

UPDATE: If you haven't noticed that we added a new page to the blog, check out the Cover Photos at the left. jackbear took a photo of all our covers so far. If anyone needs to order back issues, this is the place to see if it's still available. I'm no longer printing our First Issue: Evergreen. I did up three copies for requests/mistakes, and had a horrible time printing them. The First Issue will no longer be it should be, I think. It really was in the "working" phase and we've grown since that! We'll keep that page updated as well!



  1. I guess those who kept the first issue have a jewel, wonder if it will be worth a lot of money as the years go by? heh heh....

  2. Okie,

    Should I be looking for your issue to show up on eBay ? Don't make me buy it back! ha ha ha.
